One Fam1ly Podcast
When families come together
The official podcast of Wanna Poly, exploring the intersection of polyamory and families.
Contact us at [email protected] or through our Facebook page with comments and feedback. If you’d rather leave a voice comment, or if you’d like us to play your comment on the air, please call our podcast hotline at (971) 6-ONE-FAM (971-666-3326). If you want to talk to us or if you want us to interview you, please get in touch!
The home page for the podcast is https://wannapoly.com/onefamilypodcast, and you can find us on Facebook at https://facebook.com/onefam1lypodcast
Thanks again for listening! Robin & Kim
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Trailer: One Family Podcast intro, in which we swear and talk about us and about the podcast.
This is our brand spanking new podcast, One Family Podcast (where families come together). Here at the intersection of parenting and polyamory, we are your village. Welcome.
This is an explicit podcast, both for language and for content. We’ll be talking about adult topics like sex and relationships. Robin will charm you with her sultry voice, and Kim will fuck it all up by swearing too much.
Open relationships, non-monogamous families and blended family structures are gaining acceptance and recognition, but they still lack the support structures and roadmaps that their traditional, monogamous counterparts enjoy. We’d like to change that, one episode at a time.
1: Coming out to our kids, it’s only weird if you make it weird.
Welcome to our very first episode, in which we laugh, we swear, and for once planes don’t fly over our recording studio.
Our topic today is how to talk to your kids and include them in the discussion of Big Adult Topics (like polyamory) naturally and respectfully and without making things awkward and forced. Spoiler alert: just talk to them!
At around the 7 minute mark, Kim mentions a video about talking to your kids about sex. This is the video, Are Your Kids Having Sex? by Dr. Lindsey Doe, host of the sexplanations Youtube channel. She makes a good point: as with other topics, if you’re frank and open with your kids about sex, they’ll trust you and come to you when they need to talk.
We’d love to hear your perspective about talking to your kids about polyamory, non-monogamy, open relationships, and related topics. This is an important discussion to have, and not the last you’ll hear from us on the subject. Don’t be shy! Please reach out if you’d like to participate in follow up segments.
2: ALL THE WORDS!!!, definitions, terminology, acronyms... OMGWTFLOLBBQ
In this, our second episode, we go back to basics. What is polyamory? What is non-monogamy? What is DADT, and just what the hell is frubble?
Some of our definitions are taken from the More Than Two glossary. Other definitions are courtesy of wikipedia.
The song “Can’t Help But Fly” is by Climbing Poetree. Go buy it and support independant artists.
3: Poly-friendly dating apps - the good, the bad, and the ugly
In this episode, Robin and Kim talk about their adventures and misadventures with dating apps and websites.
Here are the ones we’ve tried, sorted into the following categories. The One True Dating App will be revealed at the end of the episode (no spoilers!)
The good
The bad
- Coffee Meets Bagel
- Feeld (formerly 3nder)
- Zoosk
The ugly (“it’s a trap”)
- POF (aka Plenty of Fish)
- Xmeet / DTFzone / OnlyDTF
NFC?? (we haven’t tried these)
- Grindr (Correction: Grindr is “for gay, bi, trans, and queer people” not just gay men)
The future
- Facebook Dating
4: What a long strange trip it’s been, The episode you need, but not the episode you deserve
In this episode, Robin and Kim talk about where the hell they’ve been for 10 months. Also, a small discussion about the inevitability of jealousy and NRE vs. ORE/ERE.
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